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DT.Energy Optimizer

Asset Optimizers
Battery Storage
DT.Energy is an optimization suite for various assets like BESS, pump hydro storages or thermal power plants.
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DT.Energy Optimizer

Asset Optimizers
Battery Storage

FlexibilityMarketing of complex assets through combination of Optimization and Autotraders

DT.Energy as Optimization and Planning System

DT.Energy is a planning, optimization and evaluation system for energy production, procurement and trading portfolios. It consists of a model editor with which any production, consumer or trading portfolio can be created. In addition, a powerful time series management system is available. The time series are translated together with the edited models into mathematical optimization problems that are solved with a solver (Gurobi).

In addition, DT.Energy is widely used for the operational management of generation portfolios in different planning phases, from long-term futures trading to balancing, day-ahead and intraday markets.

Optimisation and unit commitment planning of renewable generation and consumption portfolios in spot, ancillary services and intraday energy markets

The sales of the generation of complex asset portfolios such as pumped storage systems or industrial consumer portfolios, possibly in combination with electric batteries, has become a major challenge in recent years in the course of the development of the electricity markets. Today, the sales of plants that provide flexibility in intraday markets is particularly lucrative.  

The complexity of modelling, optimizing operational schedules and flexibility sales in these portfolios is enormous, as plants are coupled and have to be planned and optimized together. In addition, there is the complexity of the various marketing channels (balancing energy, spot, intraday).

Combination of DT.Energy Optimization und PowerBot AutoTrader

The marketing of complex flexibilities in continuous intraday markets is today often achieved by combining the PowerBot auto-trader and the DT.Energy optimization. Orderbook snapshots of the intraday markets are created periodically (e.g. at a frequency of five minutes), intraday price-forward curves are calculated, and the intraday schedules of the asset portfolio are optimized. The position schedules are delivered from the optimization to PowerBot together with marginal price curves for purchases and sales. PowerBot’s AutoTrader markets the positions according to the trading strategy (Position Opener or Position Closer) on the continuous intraday market at the best possible prices and returns the marketed position to the optimization.

Optimization result: Operational schedules for battery feed-in/out, electrolysis, vehicle charging depending on intraday electricity market prices

As a result of the optimization, cost-optimal schedules are calculated, which place electricity sales in the highest price hours and electricity purchases in the lowest price hours, taking into account all technical restrictions. In addition, optimal offers to primary, secondary and tertiary balancing energy markets are calculated, especially for batteries. By combining the marketing channels of batteries (day-ahead, balancing energy and intraday),the revenue potential of batteries can be tripled (from approx. 60 k€ to 180 k€ per MWh).

Automation and System Integration

DT.Energy offers vast opportunities of fully automating the optimization of the daily and intra-daily operational management of your portfolio. The system is operated on a server in the MS Azure Cloud. It provides API-based interfaces to the control systems of the assets (batteries, wind turbines, charging stations, etc.) as well as interfaces with grid operators, auto traders and the EPEX power exchange.

The REST API offers advanced data exchange capabilities, including stable communication with various markets and auto-traders. This includes receiving and sending data such as price curves, optimization results, or offer quote lists. Integrations with partner software solutions such as PowerBot are very easy.

·        Facilitated system integration into existing software environments

·        Efficient data exchange between DT.Energy and other systems

·        Communication with different markets and auto-traders

·        Receive and send data such as price curves, fill levels, optimization results

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